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Home » Astroplanetarium


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Article number 51291002
Projected stars 1000
Shooting star effect Not
Power AA 3pcs
Number of lenses 0
Number of discs included 0
Rotation of the starry sky Not
Compatibility with additional disks Not
Sound effects Not
Projection diameter (m) 0
22$ 11$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Home Planetarium Edu-Toys Star
Article number 51002029
Projected stars 60000
Shooting star effect Not
Power AA 4pcs
Number of lenses 3
Number of discs included 2
Rotation of the starry sky Manual
Compatibility with additional disks Yes
Sound effects Not
Projection diameter (m) 3
44$ 32$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Bresser Deluxe Home Planetarium
Article number 51001001
Projected stars 8000
Shooting star effect Yes
Power AA 3pcs
Number of lenses 3
Number of discs included 2
Rotation of the starry sky Automatic
Compatibility with additional disks Not
Sound effects Not
Projection diameter (m) 2
77$ 54$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Home Planetarium Eastcolight Media
Article number 51002025
Projected stars 8000
Shooting star effect Yes
Power AA 3pcs
Number of lenses 3
Number of discs included 2
Rotation of the starry sky Automatic
Compatibility with additional disks Not
Sound effects Radio
Projection diameter (m) 2
77$ 54$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Solar system
Article number 51110102
Image Sun, Planets
88$ 61$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Northern Constellations in Russian
Article number 51110110
Image Constellations
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Orange Sunset
Article number 51110119
Image Moon
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Galaxy Andromeda
Article number 51110127
Image Galaxies
88$ 61$
Disk for Segatoys Planetarium Billion Galaxies
Article number 51110144
Image Stars, Galaxies
88$ 61$
Planetarium disc Segatoys Jupiter and satellites
Article number 51110154
Image Planets, JUpiter
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Martian soil
Article number 51110162
Image Planets, Mars
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Tarantula Nebula
Article number 51110184
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Fireworks
Article number 51110220
Image Entertaining
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys North America Nebula
Article number 51110228
Image Nebula
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Northern Lights
Article number 51110103
Image Shine
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Orion Nebula
Article number 51110111
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Full Moon
Article number 51110120
Image Moon
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Underwater world
Article number 51110128
Image Ocean
88$ 61$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Eagle Nebula
Article number 51110145
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Disk for Segatoys Planetarium Milky Way
Article number 51110155
Image Stars
88$ 61$
Segatoys Planetarium Disc Spiral Galaxy
Article number 51110163
Image Galaxies
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Nebula Snail
Article number 51110185
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Segatoys Planetarium Disk Balloon Festival
Article number 51110221
Image Entertaining
88$ 61$
Segatoys Planetarium Disk La Silla Observatory
Article number 51110229
Image Stars
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys View from the Moon
Article number 51110104
Image Earth, Planets
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Great Comets
Article number 51110112
Image Comets
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Lunar soil
Article number 51110121
Image Moon
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Protocluster
Article number 51110129
Image Stars
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Earth Moon Sun
Article number 51110148
Image Earth, Moon, Sun
88$ 61$
Planetarium Disc Segatoys International Space Station
Article number 51110156
Image Apparatus
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Solar ecliptic
Article number 51110164
Image Sun
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Nebula Seagull
Article number 51110186
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Flowers and butterflies
Article number 51110222
Image Entertaining
88$ 61$
Segatoys Planetarium Disc Jabba's Star and Dust Clouds
Article number 51110230
Image Nebula
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Constellations of the Northern Hemisphere
Article number 51110105
Image Constellations
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Night Cities
Article number 51110113
Image Earth
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Zodiac Constellations
Article number 51110122
Image Constellations
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Constellations of the Southern Hemisphere
Article number 51110130
Image Constellations
88$ 61$
Segatoys planetarium disk Artificial satellite
Article number 51110149
Image Apparatus
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Origin of the Earth
Article number 51110157
Image Sun, Earth, Moon
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys
Article number 51110165
Image Apparatus
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Mystic Mountain Nebula
Article number 51110187
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Sea depths
Article number 51110223
Image Ocean
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Seasons
Article number 51110250
Image Entertaining
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Earth and Moon
Article number 51110106
Image Earth, Moon
88$ 61$
Segatoys Planetarium Disk Radio Telescopes
Article number 51110115
Image Stars
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Aurora Borealis
Article number 51110123
Image Shine
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Star Wars 1 - Star Destroyer
Article number 51110131
Image Star Wars
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Extra Starry Sky
Article number 51110150
Image Stars
88$ 61$
Planetarium disc Segatoys New York
Article number 51110158
Image Landscape
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Origin of Stars
Article number 51110180
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Lagoon Nebula
Article number 51110188
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Solar eclipse
Article number 51110224
Image Sun
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Extra Nebula
Article number 51110251
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Parade of planets
Article number 51110107
Image Sun, Planets
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Gas giant Jupiter
Article number 51110116
Image Planets, JUpiter
88$ 61$
Disk for Segatoys planetarium Big Moon and Earth at night
Article number 51110124
Image Earth, Moon
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Star Wars 5 - Space Fleet
Article number 51110135
Image Star Wars
88$ 61$
Segatoys Planetarium Disk Solar Flares
Article number 51110151
Image Sun, Planets
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Earth in the window
Article number 51110159
Image Earth, Ocean
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Nebula Torch
Article number 51110181
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Nebula M78
Article number 51110189
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Segatoys Planetarium Disk Great Solar Eclipse
Article number 51110225
Image Sun
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Extra Comet
Article number 51110252
Image Comets
88$ 61$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Segatoys planetarium disk Supercluster of galaxies
Article number 51110108
Image Galaxies
88$ 61$
Segatoys planetarium disk Saturn's ice rings
Article number 51110117
Image Planets, Saturn
88$ 61$
Disk for Segatoys Planetarium Small Moon and Earth during the day
Article number 51110125
Image Earth, Moon
88$ 61$
Disc for Planetarium Segatoys Observatory
Article number 51110142
Image Stars
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Mars and satellites
Article number 51110152
Image Planets, Mars
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Night Storm
Article number 51110160
Image Landscape
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Bubble Nebula
Article number 51110182
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Galaxy Pinwheel
Article number 51110191
Image Galaxies
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Around the Sun
Article number 51110226
Image Sun, Planets
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Lunar eclipse
Article number 51110253
Image Moon
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Planet Earth
Article number 51110101
Image Earth, Planets
88$ 61$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Interstellar nebulae
Article number 51110109
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Segatoys planetarium disk Lunar phases
Article number 51110118
Image Moon
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Southern Stars
Article number 51110126
Image Stars
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Universe
Article number 51110143
Image Stars
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Saturn and satellites
Article number 51110153
Image Planets, Saturn
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Large Magellanic Cloud
Article number 51110161
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Nebula Gum 19
Article number 51110183
Image Nebulae
88$ 61$
Disk for planetarium Segatoys Galaxy M101 Messier
Article number 51110192
Image Galaxies
88$ 61$
Disc for planetarium Segatoys Space explorers
Article number 51110227
Image Apparatus
88$ 61$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
Segatoys Homestar Resort Home Planetarium
Article number 51002027
Projected stars 10
Shooting star effect Not
Power AA 4pcs
Number of lenses 3
Number of discs included Diskless
Rotation of the starry sky Missing
Compatibility with additional disks Not
Sound effects Built-in melodies
Projection diameter (m) 1
121$ 83$
Laser projector of the starry sky Laser Stars
Article number 51402001
Projected stars Abstraction
Shooting star effect Not
Power Network 220V
Number of lenses laser
Number of discs included Diskless
209$ 149$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
3 диска в комплекте
Segatoys Homestar Classic home planetarium
Article number 51002033
Projected stars 60 000
Shooting star effect Yes
Power Network 220V
Number of lenses 6
Number of discs included 3
Rotation of the starry sky Automatic
Compatibility with additional disks Yes
Sound effects Not
Projection diameter (m) 4
231$ 164$
3D карта Звездного неба + 3D очки
3 диска в комплекте
Segatoys Homestar Classic Home Planetarium White
Article number 51002035
Projected stars 60000
Shooting star effect Yes
Power Network 220V
Number of lenses 6
Number of discs included 3
Rotation of the starry sky Automatic
Compatibility with additional disks Yes
Sound effects Not
Projection diameter (m) 4
253$ 186$
An astroplanetarium for home is a miniature version of an astronomical planetarium designed for use in a residential setting. It typically consists of a projector and a dome-shaped screen that can display the stars, constellations, and other celestial objects in the night sky.
Some astroplanetariums for home also come with features such as audio, interactive controls, and special effects that enhance the overall experience. These features can help bring the night sky to life, providing an immersive and educational experience for users of all ages.
A home astroplanetarium can be a great way to learn about astronomy, the night sky, and the stars in a fun and interactive way. It can also be a source of relaxation, allowing users to escape into a peaceful and calming starry night sky.
Overall, a home astroplanetarium offers an affordable and convenient alternative to visiting an astronomical planetarium, providing a similar experience in the comfort of one's own home.

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